Meet Elizabeth Urabe | Spiritual Midwife and Abstract Artist Extraordinaire

We had the good fortune of connecting with Elizabeth Urabe and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Elizabeth, how does your business help the community?
Art is only as transformational as the level of Consciousness it both reflects and embodies. Urabe Spirit Art is 100% alive with some of the most powerful living, breathing energies in the world. Real change can ONLY come about when the spiritual consciousness of the people on the planet is awake and integrated enough for them to remember the Truth that we are all part of one human family. From the inside out. All problems have one cause and thus only one solution. There is NOTHING more potentially purifying than an art form that embodies pure Consciousness. The business that I am in the process of expanding to a global level is literally going to help transform the very fabric of humanity.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am actually right now on the brink of a breakthrough with URABE Spirit Art of global proportions, something I have been anticipating and waiting for since I spontaneously, as a totally untrained artist, began channeling the abstract designs in 1995. I knew from the day that the very first colored pencil scribblings emerged that an event of universal significance was under way but I also instinctively knew that neither the world nor I was ready yet for this art to be proliferated. For me creating spirit art is an act of pure surrender to Source energies and this is why each picture is literally alive with divine consciousness and is empowered to awaken heal and transform/reintegrate old energies into fresh new ones. In the early years I was often told that my designs would make beautiful fabric and when in 2011 the American Batik Design Competition was launched by the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC, I immediately knew that I had to enter, which of the (then) 450 designs birthed to date to enter, and that it would win first place. Undoubtedly the moment I heard that I was one of the first place winners was one of the happiest, proudest moments of my life.

I have made the following statement for over a decade about my work, and make it here and now with even more conviction than ever before: Urabe Spirit Art is one of the most powerful reflections of Source energies available to humankind at this point in the evolution of Consciousness and when enough people have come to value energy more than material objects, it will spread across the globe like lighting a match in a field of dry hay. I got to where I am today, both personally and professionally, by having absolute and utter faith in and surrender to the Higher Power that guides my every step, breath and heartbeat. And I want the world to know that the processes of growing, healing, awakening, and transform-ing, don’t need to happen through pain and suffering. They can happen much more easily through genuine surrender before Truth. Mine is a path of Grace. And I learned early on to heed what I call O.F.H. O(rders) F(ROM) H(eadquarters). To bypass mind and go straight to the heart. All of these priceless life skills are embodied by my art. Literally. My entire life has been dedicated to preparing for the blastoff of the rocketship of URABE Spirit Art, in a myriad of forms and products, so that everyone everywhere can be touched and blessed by this energy.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I find this question fascinating, because I am not at all fond of cities so I can’t really respond. I did live in the Tokyo area for 16 years when I was younger (which is where I took on the surname Urabe) but for the past 16 years, I have lived on a remote mountain top in northern Arizona, where I can go for weeks at a time without seeing another human being. When I welcome people to the mountain, be they old friends or guests at my Airbnb retreat, my sole Soul desire is to give them the direct experience of what I call this sacred place: Where Heaven and Earth Meet. No human beings have lived here since the native Americans 1000 years ago. Air and energy are pure beyond belief or description. The sound of your own heartbeat at night is often what wakes you up. From the stargazing deck you can reach out your hand and almost touch the Milky Way. The total disconnect from the insanity of the world is a sacred gift that everyone who comes here, leaves with.

To reconnect to the Truth of Who We Are is, to me, the most truly joyous, interesting, exciting, and meaningful gift any of us can give or receive.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Wayne Cody Lassell, one of my most significant soul mates, who pushed me to grow in ways I didn’t know I needed to be pushed. I dedicated the first of my four adult coloring and poetry books to him and my spiritual Master with these words:

To my Guru, who opened the door, and my Cody Bear, who pushed me through it.



